Give me 100 days and I'll weaponize your body... GUARANTEED!

Or else I'll give you a full refund... No questions asked.

This is the fastest path to get shredded, paid more, and laid more in 2024.

+1,000 Amazing Reviews


Give me 100 days and I'll weaponize your body... GUARANTEED!

Or else I'll give you a full refund... No questions asked.

This is the fastest path to get shredded, paid more, and laid more in 2024.

Make Sure Your Sound Is Turned ON!

Make Sure Your Sound Is Turned ON!



Over the last 2 years, I've transformed over 1,000+ dads into Super Human Fathers.

The Awakening is a 100 day transformation that will easily transform your body, marriage, family, business, & life using our 4 Step Process to become the Super Human Father that your family NEEDS.

When you join The Awakening, you're going to:

Get Shredded AF

Have More (& Better) Sex

Slay Your Marriage

Increase Productivity

Be A Revenue Magnet In Business

Show Up Powerful and Present For Your Family


Dad's transformed into Super Human Fathers!

Why are you still settling for less?

Say goodbye to aimless workouts, costly personal trainers, and ineffective diets — it's time to unleash your

true potential as a Super Human Father.

Why are you still settling for less?

Say goodbye to your dad bod, low energy, and ineffective diets — it's time to unleash your true potential as a Super Human Father.



Clint Markland

“I got ripped in 3 months… Now, I’ve started a business, I’m more connected to my wife, I have more fun with my kids, and I’m more aligned than I’ve ever been!”

Chris Pineda

“Transformation isn't an 'a la carte' phenomenon. You don't get to pick and choose what you wanna work on and what you wanna change. It's everything . The world needs more fathers who are willing to face their fears."

Brian Roberts

“I've been in SHF for a year and a half. A Changed physique, better eating habits, and more importantly I've become a better father & husband. I've also become a better leader in my industry. I am a Super Human Father."

Corey McEwin

“I' joined SHF because I wanted to level up my life. I found myself getting into a rut with my workout routines and my person development. SHF gave me the opportunity to become the best version of myself!"

Isaiah Valdez

“The reason I joined SHF was because I was at rock bottom. My career was going no where. My Marriage was absolutely in shambles. After joining, this experience has been life changing. I can honestly say I'm a new man as a result of this program."

Scott Harman

“I joined about 8 months ago. At the time, I was in a really bad place with my wife, family, kids, and physical fitness. Not only did I learn to be disciplined with my fitness and nutrition, but also to be a better husband to my wife and father to my kids."

John Nanna

“I joined SHF about 4 months ago and the experience has been absolutely life changing. Theres been some physical changes, but my heart has changed in a way that will last the rest of my lifetime."

Jethro Jones

“I've improved my marriage, I've improved my family, I've improved my business. And then coming in here to get insights and revelations for my self has been really powerful. So it's been totally worth it!"

Brian Gerrato

"I've been in Super Human Fathers for about a year now. It's been a huge change in my life for the better. It's been absolutely life changing since I started... between the accountability, the brotherhood, and just getting your whole life aligned... it's taken me to a new level."


"I joined SHF because I wanted to get jacked, and it's been well beyond what I thought it was going to be. Not only do they focus on a good body and getting healthy, but it's also about having a good relationship with your wife and a spiritual relationship with God."

Tyler Gordon

"I joined SHF to be a better man, a better partner, a better employee, & entrepreneur. The 100 days of the Awakening have been super impactful. It's was absolutely electric.

Ready To Transform Your Life?

Click the button below to schedule your Transformation Call



Over the last 2 years, I've transformed over 1,000+ dads into Super Human Fathers.

The Awakening is a 100 day transformation that will easily transform your body, marriage, family, business, & life using our 4 Step Process to become the Super Human Father that your family NEEDS.

When you join The Awakening,

you will:

Get Shredded AF

Have More (& Better) Sex

Slay Your Marriage

Increase Productivity

Be A Revenue Magnet In Business

Show Up Powerful and Present For Your Family



Clint Markland

“I got ripped in 3 months… Now, I’ve started a business, I’m more connected to my wife, I have more fun with my kids, and I’m more aligned than I’ve ever been!”

Chris Pineda

“Transformation isn't an 'a la carte' phenomenon. You don't get to pick and choose what you wanna work on and what you wanna change. It's everything . The world needs more fathers who are willing to face their fears."

Brian Roberts

“I've been in SHF for a year and a half. A Changed physique, better eating habits, and more importantly I've become a better father & husband. I've also become a better leader in my industry. I am a Super Human Father."

Corey McEwin

“I' joined SHF because I wanted to level up my life. I found myself getting into a rut with my workout routines and my person development. SHF gave me the opportunity to become the best version of myself!"

Isaiah Valdez

“The reason I joined SHF was because I was at rock bottom. My career was going no where. My Marriage was absolutely in shambles. After joining, this experience has been life changing. I can honestly say I'm a new man as a result of this program."

Scott Harman

“I joined about 8 months ago. At the time, I was in a really bad place with my wife, family, kids, and physical fitness. Not only did I learn to be disciplined with my fitness and nutrition, but also to be a better husband to my wife and father to my kids."

John Nanna

“I joined SHF about 4 months ago and the experience has been absolutely life changing. Theres been some physical changes, but my heart has changed in a way that will last the rest of my lifetime."

Jethro Jones

“I've improved my marriage, I've improved my family, I've improved my business. And then coming in here to get insights and revelations for my self has been really powerful. So it's been totally worth it!"

Brian Gerrato

"I've been in Super Human Fathers for about a year now. It's been a huge change in my life for the better. It's been absolutely life changing since I started... between the accountability, the brotherhood, and just getting your whole life aligned... it's taken me to a new level."


"I joined SHF because I wanted to get jacked, and it's been well beyond what I thought it was going to be. Not only do they focus on a good body and getting healthy, but it's also about having a good relationship with your wife and a spiritual relationship with God."

Tyler Gordon

"I joined SHF to be a better man, a better partner, a better employee, & entrepreneur. The 100 days of the Awakening have been super impactful. It's was absolutely electric.

Ready To Transform Your Life?

Click the button below to schedule your Awakening Call

What's Included In The Awakening?

The Super Human Father Custom-Tailored Workout Plan

With your customized workout plan, you will reach peak physical fitness, boost your energy, enhance mental clarity, foster discipline and confidence, become an inspirational role model, and transform into the epitome of strength, health, and vitality for your family.

Personalized Macronutrient Plan

Unlock the power of tailored nutrition with your own personalized macronutrient plan, designed to fuel your body's unique needs and propel you towards your health and fitness goals.

Weekly Marriage Counseling Call With A Certified Therapist

Strengthen the foundation of your marriage with our weekly counseling call, led by a certified therapist, designed to enhance communication, reignite passion, and navigate challenges together.

1-on-1 Coaching & Accountability With Me & My Team

Embark on a transformative journey with 1-on-1 coaching from me and my team, where we'll guide you through reclaiming your life, reigniting your passion, and becoming the Super Human Father your family deserves.

4 Weekly Group Zoom Calls

Join our 4 weekly group Zoom calls to celebrate victories, foster accountability, and tackle the tough challenges we face as men, strengthening our brotherhood and growth.

A Private Group of Brothers Transforming Alongside You

Immerse yourself in a brotherhood of like-minded men, where the power of collective transformation, celebrating each other's wins, and holding one another accountable catalyzes profound life changes and underscores the importance of unity in personal evolution.

3 Day Event At The SHF Mansion In Sunny San Diego

Unlock the power of tailored nutrition with your own personalized macronutrient plan, designed to fuel your body's unique needs and propel you towards your health and fitness goals.

Daily Check-In & Accountability Calls

Stay on track and maximize your transformation with daily check-in and accountability calls, ensuring every day brings you closer to becoming the Super Human Father you aim to be.

Private App For Workouts, Nutrition, & Networking

Access our private app for customized workouts, tailored nutrition plans, and exclusive networking opportunities, all designed to support your journey to becoming a Super Human Father

The "Date Your Wife" Weekly Training With Kyle & Whitney Carnohan

Transform your marriage with our 'Date Your Wife' weekly training led by Kyle & Whitney Carnohan, proven to rekindle romance and connection in thousands of marriages through focused, intentional actions.

Tons of SHF Merch

Show off your commitment to transformation with our exclusive SHF merch, a symbol of your journey and achievements within our growing community of empowered dads.

Schedule your call today...

And we'll dive deep into all the core areas of your life to see how we can best help you. Our goal is to turn you into the best version of yourself possible.

From The Desk of Kyle Carnohan

My friend... I see you.

You have poured your life into your business.

Things are great. You make money. You have every thing you ever wanted really.

You are looking for a way now to find joy and fulfillment.

So you buy toys....

You buy your wife and children cars and gifts...

And now you are trying to find a way to slow down and not work so hard.

You have chased comfort in every other way in your life.

Your body went to shit...

You used to feel like a savage.


The man full of fire that built this shit. Now he is tired and has pretty much given up and looking for a way out.

You are not done building!

You are not even a sliver of your capacity and it shows by the way you have treated yourself.

You have neglected your body and assume that is ok.

Its a bullshit lie.

You are fat and you are embarrassed and you lie to yourself telling you that you are fine.

Your wife has followed your terrible eating habits and laziness and now she struggles with her weight.

You are both lacking fire and confidence and fire in sex.

It’s just ok.

It’s fine.

Just like the rest of your life.

If you would just become that unstoppable savage again what would that feel like?

What would you look like?

As you lead and set the example for your queen and she follows you, what would she feel like?

What would you together feel like? The fire. The confidence. The rebirth of your intimacy.

Where could your business go?

What opportunities are you not seeing or steps you are not taking because you have become a docile, undisciplined, soft, mentally retired version of yourself.

Its time to reignite the next version of you and take over the world like you planned to in the beginning.

I see you.

Doubt. Fear. Anxiety.

A life that has become blah trying to figure out how to get out of the very dream you partially built.

You have quit. You have quit on yourself, your business and your family.

You are not a fucking quitter.

How the fuck did you let this happen.

Its time to wake the fuck up and remember who the fuck you are.

Who am I? What is it all for? What is the missing piece?

You have no real connection to God.

You thought you were chasing what really matters but you missed the whole point.

Is it the money?

You hide behind your money.

Developing you can not be outsourced.

No one can do the work out for you.

No one can love your wife for you.

No one can speak to God for you.

You know you must be unleashed. This will not happen with the pile of a body you have destroyed with your complacency.

Time to get in the fucking game.

Ready To Transform Your Life?

Get In the game...

Become The

Super Human Father

Your Family NEEDS.

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DISCLAIMER: The sales figures stated on this page and discussed in the training curriculum are our personal sales figures and in some cases the sales figures of previous or existing clients. Please understand these results are not typical. We’re not implying you’ll duplicate them (or do anything for that matter). The average person who buys “how to” information gets little to no results. We’re using these references for example purposes only. Your results will vary and depend on many factors including but not limited to your background, experience, and work ethic. All business entails risk as well as massive and consistent effort and action. If you’re not willing to accept that, please DO NOT PURCHASE FROM SUPER HUMAN FATHERS.

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